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BrainSpotting – A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Treatment 

How Does Brainspotting Work?

Brainspotting was developed by David Grand, Ph.D. Dr. Grand states that “The motto of Brainspotting is, ‘Where you look affects how you feel.’ If something is bothering you, how you feel about it will literally change depending on whether you look off to your right or to your left. Our eyes and brains are intricately woven together, and vision is the primary way that we, as humans, orient ourselves to our environment. Signals sent from our eyes are deeply processed in the brain. The brain then reflexively and intuitively redirects where we look, moment to moment. The brain is an incredible processing machine that digests and organizes everything that we experience. But trauma can overwhelm the brain’s processing capacity, leaving behind pieces of trauma, frozen in an unprocessed state.” 

**The model draws from EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) and Somatic experiencing (SE). BSP hypothesizes that the field of vision can be used to locate eye positions that correlate to inner neural and emotional experience, which is where we are holding the trauma in our brain. Once these eye positions are located, by maintaining eye fixation in those positions, it is possible to heal and find resolution regarding issues that have been held deeply in the non-verbal, non-cognitive areas of the neurophysiology. BSP utilizes focused activation and focused mindfulness as its mechanisms of operation. BSP “is uniquely designed to be integrated into other [therapeutic] approaches. The human brain-body system is vast and complex and needs to be perceived and responded to in its individuality. No one technique, including BSP, can address every client situation in its entirety.”

**Quoted from, Brainspotting: The Revolutionary New Therapy for Rapid and Effective Change, David Grand, Ph.D.  

PTSD/Trauma therapy and Brainspotting

Brainspotting is used in trauma treatment. It has also been effective in the treatment of injury, stress, attention levels, and motivation. It is a preferred method of treatment for the following:

  • Chronic fatigue and chronic pain
  • PTSD
  • ASD
  • Complex Trauma
  • Developmental Trauma
  • Substance abuse
  • Phobias
  • Sports performance issues
  • Anxiety
  • Attention issues (ADHD)
  • Anger issues
  • Impulse control issues

Brainspotting isn’t for everyone. But the positive reaction we have received from those who have tried it are amazing. Please call us for more information. Give New & Associates LLC a call today to book your next session at 331-457-4260.
Brain Spotting — Isolated Woman in Naperville, IL
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